Frequently Asked Questions

The Motorpool!

Q: How Does This Site Work?
A: Check out the Navigation FAQ.

Q: If I find someone with a part I need, how do I contact them?
A: Soon, the Trade Engine will allow you to do this online.
In the meantime, you can e-mail your trade proposals to Be sure to include the following in your e-mail.
  1. Your Member Name.
  2. The Member Name of the person you want to trade with.
  3. The parts you want (as described on my site).
  4. The parts you have to trade. (again, as described on my site).
  • I will forward your e-mail to the appropriate person. If they are interested, they will contact you personally.
  • Be sure to list each member in separate e-mails if you have more than one person you want to trade with.
  • DO NOT send your WHOLE “trade/want list” to me! If the person you want to trade with would like it, they can ask you about it individually.